Friday, August 17, 2007

The General: "launch The Strategics!"

In preparation for a trip to Vancouver this weekend, I was clearing some flash cards for the digital camera when I stumbled across some lovely pictures of my band and I, circa Summer 2005 or so:

Above is myself, lookin' like a junkie

Colin as himself, the stooge

...and sexy Nate

For those who don't know, I've been playing in a band for three years with these good friends of mine. Since we started in the winter of my Sophomore year, Nate, Colin, and myself have been jammin' on tunes, writing our own and improvising and retiring to Halo...and then Halo 2. Except for some spiffy recording equipment and software obtained by Nate last year, some solo projects, and the acquisition of another lead guitarist, Brett, jammin' has gone pretty consistently the same way through to now, the summer after my Senior year, and I wouldn't change a thing. Except maybe the number of gigs we've scored; only once, out of Nate's garage, have we ever performed. I'm sure we'll all be playing for years to come, though. So here's to those good times. Below are some recent takes, as in last Spring (on Nate's spiffy recording equipment, no less) of songs that are mostly at least a year old, some more than.

the strategics - sans culottes
the strategics - ole' yeller
the strategics - baby jane
the strategics - space song

...and just for kicks:

the strategics - "squishy thing"

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